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Witching Wednesday

Join us for the Witching Hour-

The Witching Hour is a 90 minuet class where your Irish Warlock & Witch Cameron & Molly will discuss various situations that healers, empaths, & psychics encounter. As higher vibrating humans we experience things a bit differently with our senses. Normalizing & learning about various senses waking up will help you on your spiritual journey. We will also hold a space for open questions from the group- so feel free to bring anything you’d like to potentially chat about to class.

Classes are currently donation base. Everything in life is an energy exchange so please feel free to contribute what you think is fair for the experience. Minimum suggestion is $8 as 8 is the number of abundance.

To reserve your spot please venmo your email address, name & date you’re RSVPing for to @MollyModelMaker Last 4 digits 0269. We will email you the video link a few hours before class to join. Please RSVP up until 2pm the day of the class to guaranty you receive the link to join.

Upcoming Class Dates:

Wednesday August 7th 7:15pm PST -8:45pm

Wednesday August 14th 7:15pm PST -8:45pm

Wednesday August 21st 7:15pm PST -8:45pm

Who we are:

Cameron is a psychic medium who currently resides in Arizona. He is a GREAT example of pure healed masculine energy & he specializes in helping men work through & heal their inner masculine traumas. He also knows a lot about spells & witchery. A true Irish Warlock.

Molly is a psychic who has been developing her skills since the 4th grade. She is a GREAT example of healed feminine energy & she specializes in talking about boundaries & how energy exchanges affect us in our daily lives. Her visions are heavily morally based on the concept that we all have the potential to grow & expand past the generational traumas we’ve experienced.

August 11

Psychic & Intuition Development Class